If you are thinking about getting your first tattoo, or another tattoo, the one thing that is probably most prevalent on your mind is what to get, what design to choose, what kind of tattoo do you want? Perhaps you’d like to enter the bold new trend of politics, as it seems the Putin [...]
Archive for the 'Experiences' Category
The Lengths People Go to To Book an Artist
ART is not just a painted canvas picture, ask anybody that has gotten a tattoo. To the committed and brave, the human body is the canvas, and tattoos form the picture. Art takes on many forms in our contemporary days, however the art of the tattoo, and the tattoo design seems to have exploded in [...]
Rihanna Shows Some Skin for a Fan
And we are back to Rihanna, but this time it is all about her adoring fans and the lengths she will go to for them. Pop star and singer Rihanna showed a little skin for one of her fans which displayed her tattoo that goes down the side of her hip. The fan photo [...]
Tattoos Lead To Discrimination for One Man
A goldfish, a dragon and a snake are some of the tattoos running the entire length of both his arms. These animal tattoos on the skin of a Singapore nightclub-goer prompted staff members there to take a closer look. Mr Masazlie Mohamed Salleh, 35, said his tattoos attracted the attention of a security staff [...]
From Start To Finish the Tattoo Process ~ Part Two
We have started talking about the process of getting a tattoo from start to finish. This is to show you the exact steps from start to finish so that if you are thinking of getting a tattoo, you know exactly what to start. Last time we talked about how an artist prepares for [...]
How to Prepare Yourself for Your First Tattoo – Part Two
Ah yes, there are many things that people fear when they are getting their first tattoo, and at the top of that list is the pain factor that comes with the inevitable breaking of skin. This is unfortunately one of those situations where every person will have a different experience, and so there is [...]
Rihanna Gets Inked Again!
These days, pregnancy is the new black and getting engaged is as chic as picking up the new Bottega bag. But for those celebrities that aren’t exactly growing up with Hollywood and making major life milestones, it seems that getting inked is a viable substitute to keep up with the times in Tinseltown. Just [...]
Jade Goody Declares Her Love With Ink
Jade Goody is a woman who is struggling with cancer, and she has decided to make a permanent statement of her love for her boyfriend Jack Tweedy by tattooing his name on her wrist. And this is not Jade’s first tattoo. In preparation for her chemotherapy, Jade had her eyebrows tattooed in the [...]
Art in Living Color!
If you are looking to become a record holder for most tattoos on a body, or any tattoo record for that matter, take a life lesson learned from Don McCLintock. It ain’t easy, and it’s not going to happen overnight.
The True Meaning of Tattoo as Art
Ah yes, proponents of tattoo give it a creative and artistic genre, and well deserved, but this is not something that the general laymen considers. Those that aren’t tattoo inclined as we know have a tendency to view tattoos as offensive to the naked eye. Well, a man in Germany may be [...]
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