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canstockphoto2011509_compOne of the most difficult things to do when you are trying to get a tattoo is to choose a tattoo design that you want. There are literally millions of tattoo designs to choose from and the choices can extremely large. You need to remember to take your time and look at as many tattoo designs as you can before you pick the one that you will have permanently tattooed on your body. You also need to remember that a tattoo is not temporary and it will take a lot of pain and money to have it removed. One of the best ways to find a tattoo that suits you is to check out flash art tattoos.
A flash art tattoo is one in which the design is pre drawn. You will frequently find pre drawn tattoos in catalogs or posted on the walls of your local tattoo parlor. Customers can peruse the catalogs or simply glance for tattoo designs that they can choose from.

A tattoo flash is usually drawn on sturdy cardboard or on white paper. These are industrial designs that are made specifically body art. Many tattoo flash art is done in stencil or outline. In this way, it is easier to outline the images on your skin. The tattoo designs are then usually printed on a separate sheet. The tattoo artist doesn’t have to do the outline freehand on the spot because he can use the separate sheet to create the tattoo design.

Keep in mind that there can be problems with today’s flash art. There are copyright issues that arise since the Internet is where flash art is being shown and offered either for a fee or for free. Many of these flash art images may be taken from a cartoon series or a magazine that are trademarked. Should this happen, the supplier of the flash art can be sued in accordance with existing copyright laws. If you decide to use the Internet to look for flash art tattoos, be sure that you are getting legal downloads and that the design you choose is royalty free. Royalty free flash art is similar to the concept of stock photos where original artists provide their permission to use the art that they design for free.

Choosing a tattoo design can be very difficult since there are so many to choose from. Flash art makes it a much easier and more pleasant task. Just be sure that the one you select is the one you really want as tattoos should be considered permanent and are not easily removed.
