half-sleeved-tattooThe hottest tattoos at the moment are sleeve designs.  Many of the restrictions that were placed on tattoos in the work place have been loosened in the past few years and tattoos have become much more widely accepted. The result has been that many women and men go out and get a much larger tattoo. Here are some of the top ideas for those of you who are considering getting a half sleeve tattoo.

Half Sleeve Tattoos Designs for Men

The Celtic cross has long been a very popular design. The standard Celtic cross symbolizes both Christianity and fertility. In earlier times the cross symbol was used in many Pagan cultures. At the time the Celtic cross was believed to be a fertility symbol. The Celtic cross represents the male and the circle in the middle of the cross represents the female. This was later adapted to become the powerful symbol of Christianity it represents today.
Fire and flames have always been fascinating to man since its invention. For some reason the mystical lure and the destructive power of fire still holds a fascination for most men. It therefore makes a great design for a tattoo. Many men today are selecting tribal tattoos that are more traditional including Maori or Hawaiian designs rather than the rather confusing designs of the tribal tattoos popular in the 1990’s.
Half Sleeve Tattoos and Designs for Women

Floral patterns are also very popular with women, make beautiful patterns, and are therefore great designs for a sleeve. In addition, the bright colors that are used in the flower and the endless potential of the variety of flower symbolism make it a great selection for a half sleeve tattoo on a woman.  Remember it is always best to take your time and choose a tattoo and a design that feels right to you. Don’t be in too much of a hurry to get a tattoo just because you read somewhere that it is popular. Instead, take your time and find symbols, ideas and designs that have meaning to you. This is the real beauty of Tattoos and what makes them so personal.
