It seems the very essence of getting a tattoo anywhere on one’s body is not cringe worthy enough. No, in fact it must get creepier. The latest in the craze of tattoos pushing the envelope is getting one on your eyeball. That’s right, the needle will actually penetrate the eyeball. This is what happened to [...]
Archive for July, 2008
Eye Tattoo – The Latest, and Creepiest in Tattoo News
Certain Criminals with Tattoos Associated with Personality Disorders
New research coming out of the United States has revealed that certain criminals with tattoos are more likely to suffer from anti-social personality disorder (ASPD). Researchers looked at forensic psychiatry patients in Michigan, with more than half of them being deemed unfit to stand trial, and the other half being found guilty by reasons [...]
Zune Tattoo Man Experiences Buyer’s Remorse
This is what happens when gaming goes a little too far….The now infamous Zune fanatic known as MsZunefan, has gone so far as to have three Zune tattoos inked on his shoulders. He has three logos emblazoned on his arm, as you see here. And now of course, he is experiencing buyers remorse. Why? [...]
Women More Likely Than Men to Remove Tattoos
Yes, even when it comes to tattoos for either receiving or removing, sexism is alive and well. It seems that while men are more likely to get tattoos than women, women are more likely to remove them says a new study coming out of the Archives of Dermatology. Forget that this is 2008 and [...]
Khloe Kardashian Gets White Ink Tattoo Before Heading to the Clink
Khloe Kardashian has been under some heat lately for violating probation under DUI charges stemming from last year. Yes, Khloe the celebrity wannabe got caught driving while under the influence and was sentenced to probation where she was required to do some roadside cleanup and some alcohol education classes. All of which she apparently [...]
Doctor Sued for Unauthorized Panty Line Tattoo
What you see here is a representation of the actual event, due to the fact that the woman in question will not publish pictures of the said tattoo. However, take a look at this tattoo ladies, and imagine yourself going into surgery one minute, and waking up looking like this the next…..
Quotes in Tattoos
One of the most interesting things about tattoos is finding out why people get them. There is an infinite amount of possibilities when it comes to body art, and hearing stories about the purpose behind the tattoo can be very moving. Or not. Today we look at some tattoos where folks had quotes inscribed [...]
Marbury’s Latest Starbury Tattoo
There seems to be some conflicted opinions on a tattoo that cropped up in the NBA recently. Stephon Marbury of the Knicks is reported to have a new tattoo, and of course, this being the off season, it’s a little difficult to verify at this point. What you see here is a ‘representation’ [...]
Tattoos For Women
Gone are the days where wearing a tattoo is considered common, or white trash, or ‘other side of the tracks’ stigma. Today, more and more people are wearing tattoos, and more women are getting them than ever before. Are you a chick considering a tattoo but not quite sure where to start? The two [...]
Eco Friendly Tattoo Removal
As it stands right now, lasers are the routine method when it comes to tattoo removal. Lasers are used with a machine that looks like this one to remove tattoos and many other kinds of skin blemishes. The key to effective tattoo removal with this machine is that surgeons ensure the skin does not reach [...]
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