Painless Tattoo
Pain is among the most common reasons why people shy away from tattoos. You will hear a lot of people say, ‘I’d love to do it, but the needles freak me out!’. If this is you, then you will love what you are about to hear next. To overcome the pain factor, a new gadget has been put on the market to ease the pain while you are finally taking the plunge into body art. They are called the Argo Video glasses, and are functioning as a means of distraction while you get your tattoo.

The Argo Video glasses offer the tattoo customer a big-screen audio-visual experience as if you were in the cinema. You plug the glasses into a peripheral DVD player, and away you go. You can watch the latest film, or your favorite film, and not spend a second thinking about the tattoo process.

Many stores and tattoo parlours are implementing the Argo video glasses to offer a little bedside comfort for their body art customers. The odd thing is, they work! You wouldn’t think that simply putting on some shades and catching a flick can take your mind off of pain, but they are becoming widely popular. Due to their enhanced big screen feel, the movies will draw your attention away from what is going on with your tattoo. Customers are saying they become totally oblivious to what is going on around them, enabling them to relax without feeling a thing. For the same reason, many dentist offices are incorporating the glasses as well.

The company that makes the Argo Cinema goggles, also provides the Qingbar GP300 and the Argo PC/3D. The Qingbar is another state of the art device that combines LCOS display with media player and is equipped with hi-fi audio right in the glasses providing a mobile and completely private video presentation. The Argo PC/3D is a personal compact display using an optical system that provides image viewing to the equivalent of a 48” screen as far as six feet away.

If you’re queasy about the pain, but still want to plunge into body art, shop around for a tattoo parlour that offers you the comfort and distraction of the Argo goggles. You’ll be glad you did.
