jackie clarke

Above in the photo of Antique dealer Jackie Clarke, 41, who tortured her victim for seemingly raping her. The court heard that the victim suffered excruciating pain as the attacker used a pin and bottle of ink to inflict her injury - tattooing “Rapist” on his genitals.

The judge found her guilty of of torture and handed out a six year custodial sentence. He admitted this was one of the most serious cases of kidnapping he had ever dealt with.

The four-hour ordeal began with Clarke asking the 46 year old man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, to return to her home on February 16th in Tonbridge. while accusing the 46-year-old former market trader of raping her.

Clarke gave him a cup of coffee that left him feeling dizzy, week and relaxed. The man started play-fighting with Clarke’s son, Jason, 19, and thought it was a game when the teenager started tying him up.

“But then the defendant joined in and started shouting that she was doing this for raping her,” said Miss Charles, prosectutor. “She had a baseball bat and hit him across the legs with it. It caused him to scream with pain.”

The son ran out of the room, leaving a friend there. The man was tied to the bed and a sock was put in his mouth. “She threatened to tattoo the word ‘Rapist’ on his penis and proceeded to do that,” said the prosecutor.

Clarke demanded £1,000 and asked him for his bank card PIN number. She left the room for about 20 minutes, leaving the young boy watching. She returned with a man, who was shocked by what he saw and ordered Clarke to untie the man.

“When untied, he was able to hobble, not walk,” said Miss Charles. “He was in a great deal of pain. When he investigated, he found a tattoo spelling ‘Rapist’ on his penis.”

He later went to Kent and Sussex Hospital in Tunbridge Wells, where he was treated for his injuries. Clarke admitted false imprisonment and assault causing actual bodily harm, but claimed she only remembered hitting the man with the baseball bat and tying up his legs.
