
Peaches Geldof shocked holidaymakers on a Mexican beach yesterday, revealing a body covered in no less than 20 tattoos. Resembling a schoolgirl’s Biro doodles, Peaches’ rather more permanent body art included a large string of daisies from just below her bust to mid-thigh.
The 19-year-old, who admitted last year that tattoos were her ‘new addiction’, references her work, friends and past lovers in the designs, which adorn her arms, legs and back.

In addition to the daisies, which appear to be purely decorative, New York-based Peaches wears the name of her recent ex-husband Max Drummey on her left wrist. The design also features religious icons of rosary beads and a crucifix. Possibly a recent addition is a broken heart further up her arm.

On her left shoulder is believed to be a reference to another ex, Faris Badwan. The italic script reads ‘Ex Valentine’ in tribute to The Horrors band member, who is also believed to have designed the bizarre book and noose image on Peaches’ upper-right arm.
The socialite, who attended private London girls’ school Queens College, does not reserve her sentimentality to past loves. The name of friend Fifi Brown adorns her ankle, just beneath a snake symbol on her left shin.

Most bizarre though, are the words ‘Disappear Here’ on her inner right arm. It is possibly an extreme form of advertising for a magazine of the same name that she launched last year, the title of which came from the novel Less Than Zero by Brett Easton Ellis.

Tattoo artist Dan Gold of Skunx Tattoos, who is responsible for some of the artwork on Peaches’ body, admits that there is little deep or mystical meaning behind the designs. Translating the symbols with relatively simple interpretations, he revealed: ‘The doves above the hips are a love symbol.

‘A playing card is a good luck symbol. The ace of spades portrays someone as an outsider.

‘The angel wings are because little girls see themselves as angels.’
