
Ah here we go. Kat Von D, one of the most famous tattoo artists in the world is seen here working towards breaking a Guinness Record for tattoo work in a 24 hour period. And Kat is just one of many folks who have tried to break one record or another when it comes to the ink. The most recent record broken has not only broken a record, but also a stereotype that tattoos are not about selfish dark minded evil alley mongers…No, yes, even tattoos can bring good to people’s lives.

Artist Paul Lockwood has used Robert Barrett as a human canvas to smash the Guinness Record for the longest tattoo session on record by a record breaking 3 hours and 11 minutes. Barrett says of the experience, I am very sore, but rapt. And why should he be so happy? The tattoo session was taking pledges from donors to raise money for the Children’s Ward at Launceston General Hospital.

The entire session ran for 47 hours and one minute, wherein both Robert’s arms and his left leg were covered with a slogan that defined the dedication and achievement. Both men were tired after the experience, naturally, but the tattoo ‘Guinness World Record Holder 2008’ says it all.

Robert would like to thank the many businesses who enabled this venture possible:

Elders Insurance, Aussie Discount Meats, Neighbourhood Bakery, Pabs, Rare Spares, Invermay News and Lotto, Ravenswood New Agency, Retravision, Ravenswood Supermarket, Birchalls, Launceston Lighting Centre and Thirston’s Auto Spares.
“Anyone that I missed, you know who you are, so thanks, and thanks to the Outlaws Motorcycle Club for their support too,” Mr Barrett said.

The artist, Paul Lockwood, says the time and the amount of tattoos involved in the experience would normally cost in the $10,000 mark. But he says its all for a good cause. And he’s thrilled to have broken a record, an achievement in itself after the primary benefit of raising money for the children. The previous record holder was Victorians Stephen Grady and Melanie Grieveson, who racked in almost ff hours for the longest tattoo session.
