

Khloe Kardashian has been under some heat lately for violating probation under DUI charges stemming from last year. Yes, Khloe the celebrity wannabe got caught driving while under the influence and was sentenced to probation where she was required to do some roadside cleanup and some alcohol education classes. All of which she apparently thought she was too good for, so she blew it off, faced jail time, and was expected to start her sentence Friday evening. Before that however, she commemorated the event with a white ink tattoo on her wrist…

Khloe headed to the clink in D lister style, with a designer hand bag hanging over one wrist, and a new white ink tattoo with her initials on the other. Time was sentenced for up to 30 days, but served in a very short 173 minutes, probably less time than it takes for a manicure to cure completely, which has raised some eyebrows all over the world about bad girls celebs that never realize the error of their ways.

Khloe got her tattoo at the Shamrock tattoo parlour on Sunset Boulevard before surrendering herself, and was pleased as punch to report to others ‘’I’ll see ya later!” and thus was probably expecting to get the celebrity treatment in terms of her jail sentence.

The tattoo is still fresh, only around since Friday, and as such still looking a little pink but is expected to fade away as it heals. The tattoo was done in the uber trendy white ink to make it invisible to the naked eye. Cute, no? Well, that tattoo is. The behavior surrounding it is on the verge of disgusting.
