david_beckham_offbeatinkIt had to happen one day. Victoria and David Beckham are both well known aficionados of the tattoo art world. Both have several well advertised tattoos covered by the media world wide with David having recently added to his substantial collection of skin art. His latest tattoo is a ‘ring o’ roses’ on his left arm. Mrs Beckham has apparently expressed the opinion that this should be it now, that he has enough tattoos. Interesting then that in the same show where David revealed his son’s desires and wife’s opinions should be when Beckham also gave marriage advice to a couple on the same program with him. He said, “It (your wedding) is an amazing occasion, you have to spend as much time on that day together as it goes so quickly.” He also added, “And a few years into the marriage if you are lucky enough to have children your priorities are them, but you still have to make time for each other.” It is no secret that the Beckhams work hard at their relationship and are active, hands-on parents.
The couple have three sons ranging in age from 4 to 10. The 10-year-old, Brooklyn, is reported to have asked his father when he could have his first tattoo. Why the question surprised David, I could not tell you, but surprised he was, or is reported to have been… I would have thought that with both their parents so visibly supportive of the art, it would have been fairly obvious that their tots would consider it normal for them to follow suit.
Brooklyn’s question to his father is said to have been along the lines of: how old do I have to be to have my first tattoo? Note the word ‘first’ and recognise that this little man has a whole vista of tattoo art evolving in his mind for his own future.

David Beckham’s words back to his son were: ‘A lot older than you are now’. I wonder what Posh had to say about it…
