peter_andre_offbeatink1Peter Andre, erstwhile musician, and Katie Price aka Jordan, she of the big bosoms. You have probably heard they split up, as has most of the breathing world. The interesting thing about the split has been how different these two people seem to be. It makes you wonder what brought them together in the first place. Then you hear something one of Jordan’s friends said to the press last month and the penny drops, or clangs. We are told that a source close to Jordan has said that all she cares about is making sure she stays more famous than Pete. She sees her surgery plans (oh, yes, Jordan is planning her sixth boob job) as a big two fingers up to Pete. She’ll do anything to annoy him. ”
All this is pretty odd when you think they were so committed to each other that not only did Pete adopt Katie’s son but they went on to have two more babies katie_offbeatink1together AND had each other’s names permanently inked on their bodies. Katie’s name is on Pete’s wedding finger while Pete’s is on Katie’s inner wrist. Or it was, until she had a big black ‘X’ tattooed over it while on holiday in Ibiza recently.
‘I’ve seen the pictures of Kate’s “Pete” tattoo with a cross through it,’ Pete wrote in his new diary. ‘I really don’t have much to say about it. I married Katie Price, not Jordan, but Katie Price left the building a long time ago… Nothing she can do can hurt me anymore and nothing she does surprises me.

‘In terms of my “Katie” tattoo, I’m sure I’ll have it removed at some point,’ he writes. ‘But it’s really not a priority at the moment.’

Katie Price, meanwhile, has banned Peter Andre’s name from her house. That should make for interesting conversations with their children… She has reportedly vowed to “destroy” her estranged husband after he walked out on her in May. In fairness to Pete, he has had his own role to play in the madness. He reportedly banned Katie from a birthday party for their youngest daughter, Princess Tiaamii, 2.

Peter, who was in Cyprus with the children visiting his mum while Jordan’s photos cavorting in Ibiza were plastered over the tabloids wrote: I still love Kate. If you get over someone in five weeks then you didn’t love them in the first place… Let’s not forget that there are far bigger problems in the world. But when you are in your own situation it feels like the biggest problem in the world.
Well said, Pete!!
