heidi_klum_offbeat_ink1Heidi Klum, supermodel extraordinaire, mother to three children and wife of Seal has been photographed sporting a brand new tattoo on the inside of her arm. She was at the 67th Annual George Peabody Awards in June, in New York, when she was spotted with the new design adorning her arm.

There has been much made of the fact that an icon of fashion and style such as Heidi should choose to have a tattoo, as though this somehow detracts from her professionalism or her beauty.  In a typical judgement call, the media is almost saying that while tattoos may have evolved from the arms of sailors and gangsters they are really are not allowed too far past Hollywood and the music industry. Polite society, it seems, finds this all just a little bit too much to take…
Heidi herself appears to be some what taken aback by all the attention:
“I’ve had it since May. My husband and I always get married every year. It was our fourth wedding, and we wanted to have our names tattooed together…. it’s my husband’s name and our three children, their initials, in the (three) stars.

The tattoo itself is a long and very elaborate script spelling out her husband’s name. It is punctuated by three small stars at the end and it covers most of her inner forearm, which (upon reflection) must have the designers,  make-up artists and photographers rolling their eyes and wondering how long it is going to take to cover this up for Heidi’s shoots.

All the more reason to applaud the woman for her gutsy individualism, I say. In fact, that’s really what having a tattoo is all about, and seeing it being portrayed as such by so much class and beauty makes my heart sing.
