
You know the age old story, girl meets boy, boy meets girl. Girl and boy fall in love….Girl and boy get matching tattoos. Girl and boy break UP. Uh huh. And this boys and girls is why laser tattoo removal is SO popular. Apparently Charlotte Church is not well advised of these practices, as she has taken to this exact measure, but in this case, the tattoos haven’t been etched yet, but the demand is high.
Charlotte Church wants her boyfriend Gavin Henson to ‘prove’ his love for her by etching himself permanently with ink. I guess it is not proof enough that this singer from ‘Crazy Chick’ has already had a son with this man and is pregnant with their second child. Nope. She’s worried he will cheat on her, and thinks a tattoo will fix allll of that.

Yes, Charlotte is pregnant. Again. It’s one of the later chapters in girl meets boy. But she gained a few pounds during the first pregnancy, and must be going through one of those ‘I’m so hideous and fat’ stages now during her current pregnancy. But she thinks the weight gain is enough to make Gavin stray.

Well, it has happened in the past. I mean, some men are just THAT slimey. But honestly? Will a tattoo fix the problem? She wants him to get a tattoo of her name and she is so worried *cough* control freaking, that she is even designing several different versions of her desired demand.

She thinks if he isn’t going to marry her, he could at least do this ONE thing. She’s also so paranoid about the weight gain, that she won’t let him get her pregnant again until she is back in shape.

Oh these women and their preggo hormones. So paranoid. So everything. Yes, a love tattoo is cute and poetic. But a demand out of paranoia and jealousy? C’mon….
