
It seems like just about everywhere you turn in Hollywood, someone is either getting married or having a baby. Well, for Ashlee Simpson, she’s been there for one, and on the way there for the other. Ashlee announced an unplanned pregnancy earlier this year, and shortly after that, she and baby daddy Pete Wentz went and tied the knot in what many considered to be a rush ceremony.

Now that she and Pete are a Mr. and Mrs., Ashlee wants to honor her new hubby showing how proud she is to be his wife. Ashlee is due in October, and wants to get a tattoo shortly after the baby is born. Her current inspirational thoughts on what to etch her skin with are the initials “ASW” on her shoulder.

Perhaps Ashlee isn’t quite aware that Tinseltown weddings generally last longer than the marriage. Ah well, but they’re so IN LOVE right? Uh huh. Isn’t everyone?

Not only that, but for two people who are world renowned for being creative artists, what the heck is with the ASW tattoo? Not the most original I’m thinking…

But alas, Pete has plans of many years of fatherhood ahead of him, as he is wanting this bambino to be the first of many. He wants a band, football team, or a good geometry club. Hm. I don’t recall either of the two parents ever winning awards for geometry, but there’s always hoping.

Perhaps Ashlee could do as Angelina does and emblazon herself with her child’s birth place. Or something. Anything but initials, it’s so yesterday. Any thoughts? What should Ashlee sign herself with?
