
The world’s favorite co-dependent singer, Amy Winehouse is said to be considering removing a tattoo bearing her estranged husband’s name after he recently filed for divorce. Yes, Blake Fielder Civil has filed for divorce from Amy Winehouse. Finally.

Ah yes, this is something that we actually thought would NEVER happen. And by that, I am not referring to Amy Winehouse sobering up…any time soon. In fact, recent events in her life may just push her off the edge. Expect to see big things happening for Amy soon in the spiralling downhill trainwreck kind of way.

Yes, the relationship that we knew was doomed from the beginning has finally come to a screeching halt. Despite all of her stand by her man attempts, she has not been able to keep him around longer than…a year and change.

And it’s not going to be pretty. The two were so in love that they neglected to go through the messy details of a prenuptial agreement. And since Amy has already confessed to having at least one affair while her hubby was in the clink, he has been given reason enough to go after her money. Or at least what one merits when they’ve been married for a year.

Yes, there is noise of celebration for many as this co-dependent relationship has been nothing but bad for Amy. It would be nice if she proved us wrong, but let’s see how far down this trainwreck goes during this ugly divorce.

The singer, currently enjoying a vacay in St. Lucia, has reportedly made enquiries about erasing the pocket design on her chest bearing Blake Fielder-Civil’s name. The tattoo removal will be the first of many steps as she tries to eliminate this co-dependent reputation.

“Amy wants to make a fresh start. While she’s been away she’s put some weight on and is feeling better now than she has done for ages. Amy finally feels strong enough to get Blake out of her life once and for all.”

Awww. Our little Amy may actually be growing up! Let’s hope this step is one of many on an uphill comeback. Well, we can always hope, can’t we?
