
Here is one celebrity couple that is making headlines for the sole fact that they are a couple. ‘Mean Girls’ actress Lindsay Lohan and DJ Samantha Ronson have lived literally in each other’s pockets for the past few months, and their constant display of PDA has not gone unnoticed. Nor has the fact that they are playing house together, and spend every waking, and sleeping moment together. The next step for the lovebirds? Matching tattoos.

Some may say that the next step for Lindsay and Sam have something to do with the Cartier ring that Samantha gave Lilo a few months back for her 22nd birthday. And though the Tinseltown rumor mill is spinning hard to churn out a lesbian wedding for the pair, neither camp has confirmed any pending nuptuals. The two are however confirming a commitment of a much more permanent nature than a Hollywood marriage….matching tattoos!

The two now have black love hearts on their left hands, tattoos which have been present since a recent ‘meet the family’ trip back to Samantha’s home town of Miami. Lindsay has a white heart etched on her hand in between her thumb and index finger and has had this tattoo since 2006. To symbolize her love for Sam, she had the heart outlined in black ink. To follow suit, Samantha had the identical tattoo placed on her hand, in the same location.

Thus, while many have said this odd couple seem to have little in common, and have no explanation for this ubuquitous relationship, this doesn’t seem to be the case any longer. Besides permanent address, these two have at least ONE thing in common (that we know of).
