A teenage girl who had her lover’s nickname tattooed onto her stomach found out months after they split up that it actually said “supermarket“.

Joanna Raine

Joanne Raine, 19, from Firthmoor in Darlington, discovered the mistake after she walked into a Chinese takeaway to find out what the tattoo symbols really meant.

The tattoo was inked onto Joanne’s skin in March 2005, six months after she started going out with Andrew Blenche. Joanne wanted the tattoo to say “Roo”, Andrew’s nickname. She went to Skindeep Tattoo Parlour in High Northgate Darlington and choose a capital “r” and “o” followed by a lower case “o”.

Chinese Supermarket Tattoo

After handing over £80, the tattoo was completed. Unfortunately, after visiting a chinese takeaway for clarification over the meaning, the counter assistant broke the bad news. “I was embarrassed. My friends have been laughing at me. I cannot cover it up and it costs too much to get it removed,” Joanne stated.

Skindeep was unavailable for comment yesterday. This is the second article posted on Off Beat Ink regarding chinese tattoos gone wrong. Seems like it it is still occuring nationwide!
