On Tuesday night, Granby Mayor Ted Wang asked the town’s attorney to daft an ordinance that may require future pawn outlets and tattoo shops to take their business away from the main strip after locals suggested both stores portrayed a negative image to the town.


“I’ve had people who live in town come to me and say they’re concerned about (having) a whole bunch of pawn shops and tattoo parlors on (main) street. They don’t think it presents a good image,” Wang said.

Christy Helming, owner of Wild West Tattoo,  first words were “You gotta be kidding me. I live in America!” Quite shocked, she is clearly unhappy with the decision.

The proposed ordinance does not ban those types of businesses, Wang stressed, and it does not affect Granby’s current tattoo shop, Wild West Tattoo, or the Rocky Mountain Trading Post, Granby’s only pawn shop, which is going out of business.

Granby’s board of trustees will have a public hearing on the proposed ordinance in the next month. A date for the hearing has not been determined. Helming fully intends to be there.
