For over 20 years, “Pudsey” has graced BBC viewers in the UK with his prescence each year to raise money for Children In Need. Now the famous yellow bear has been inked onto the skin of one charitable bar manager, Tom Bullivant.

The buddy bodyart enthusiast raised £500 for Children in Need by getting a 6inch tattoo of Pudsey on his right calf. On Saturday patrons piled into the local Stung by Steel tattoo parlour to watch their illustrated barman wear his allegiance to disadvantaged children.

Tom Bullivant Pudsey Tattoo

Bullivant was clearly happy with the result and stated, “Most people didn’t believe I’d have it for life, but I am happy to have done a good thing for Children in Need. On Sunday I wore shorts in the freezing cold to show it off, and got lots of positive comments.
