60 year old with a kiwi tattoo

Mrs Mills, a quiet, retired 60 year old woman living an ordinary life, stepped inside 4Skin Tattoo to get inked for the first time in her life. With age comes wisdom, but Mrs Mills begs to differ…

My mother died before she was 60 and had never had the chance to do anything for herself. I thought that’s not going to be me, I’m going to live for the moment and do something wild.

A patriotic person, the mother of two had no trouble deciding on a kiwi tattoo and had it etched onto her lower right leg. During the process, Mrs Mills sat quietly and was actually surprised by how little it hurt.

“I don’t know why I was so worked up, I thought I was going to be lame for days. It really doesn’t hurt that much, it’s more of an annoying burning sensation.”

Afterwards Mrs Mills was quick to say she wouldn’t be getting another tattoo, although she is more than happy with the result. “One is enough for an old person like me. I think I will try to turn my attention to travelling and more normal things,” she said.
