Becoming the butt of a joke is one thing, but what about the butt of all jokes? Permanent markings can do just that, and Weston King has just endured a tattoo that ensure he is laughed at forever.

The 21 year old Winona State University junior, majoring in business administration, shook on an usual deal with Irish Pub owner Dan English. If King got the bar’s logo tattooed on his butt, the pub would give him free beer on tap for life.

weston king gets a beer tattoo on his butt

(Weston getting the tattoo)

On Sunday afternoon, in front of 8 friends, a tattoo needle buzzed on King’s right buttock in Red Wing Tattoo Parlour. Artist Dek Stone performed the $70 bodyart design. The student now has a permanent ID card on his rear end that is an everlasting beer buffet pass!

Everything about this is awesome,” said King, during one of the six timeouts his friends gave him during the tattoo session. “For life, for glory, for passion, but mainly for the beer.
